On February 19, 2008 at 13:30 UT, a large fireball entered the earth’s upper atmosphere. Visual reports of the bolide started streaming in at police stations and television stations. A regional airline pilot filed a report of a possible aircraft going down over western Washington.
At 13:30:59 UT the West Kelowna Sentinel all-sky camera caught was triggered by a extremely bright bolide. The video showed the bolide moving slowly downward towards my southeastern horizon. It disappeared behind the mountains across the Okanagan Lake. Despite being below my horizon behind the mountain range the sky pulsed with light as the bolide went through several terminal bursts as can be seen by the total amplitude light curve produced by the Sentinel camera:
A look at the total number of pixels above the triggering threshold shows most of the light was released during it’s terminal flares.
The graphs as well as the movie was sent to Dr. Alan Hildebrand, Coordinator of the Canadian Fireball Reporting Centre, University of Calgary.