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Rick Nowell summarizes BC reports

From Rick Nowell

I checked the SkySentinel Network for other BC nodes that have updated: Victoria just saw a flash over the horizon. Courtenay didn't see anything. Jeff at West Kelowna was my best hope but he hasn't uploaded yet. I don't have Jeff's new email so I can't ask him. Anarchist and Hanford are offline. Skysentinel put my stuff up online at

West Kelowna, BC (49.849000, -119.559000) Sep 4
COTR, Cranbrook, BC (49.5175, -115.7436) Sep 5
Shane Observatory, BC (53.893912, -122.791944) Aug 7
Victoria, BC (48.505386, -123.49833) Sep 5
Courtenay, BC (49.67639, -125.0058) Sep 5
Bellevue, WA (47.61, -122.13) Aug 23
Prince George Astro Obs, BC (53.757765, -122.849189) Aug 29
Anarchist Mtn Observatory, BC (49.015476, -119.399686) offline
LIGO Hanford Observatory, WA (46.4551467, -119.4076571) offline

Does Lethbridge still have an Allsky meteor camera? I don't see him listed in the North America Allsky Camera database any more.?

Doe the Rothney A. Observatory (U of Calgary) upload stuff to you? They have a colour AllSky cam, with one minute exposures..


From Dwayne Free

Your data is the only I have, except I did upload the Victoria flash not knowing at the time it was from the bolide.  Are you questioning the Node28 aspect of your data (you have a ? at the end of the sentence).


LIGO and Anarchist are both down, Bellevue is slow to upload.  West Kelowna (Node 25, Jeff Brower cc'ed here) is still only up to 4 Sep, and also the only other best hope of having data other than yours.


Your data is fantastic and I really appreciate you doing the playback to get the entire event captured.  If Jeff has data, I think we will do some updated calibrations to both your sites and see if we can build a track.  We have been finding that the AMS tracks are not very accurate, and some times, not even close to correct.




Dwayne Free

Director, Space Systems

SkySentinel, LLC ()

321 405-2477 (work)
321 431-7179 (voice or text)


As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. - Albert Einstein

From Dwayne Free

You may also note that this event was reported on the JPL Fireball listing:

even though it was only 0.13kt.  Location will be the lat/lon of the peak brightness.




Dwayne Free

JPL Data for that Fireball:    Gives altitude and velocity at peak brightness

Peak Brightness
Date/Time (UT)





Velocity Components

Radiated Energy

Calculated Total
Impact Energy




2017-09-05 05:11:27








