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Aug 2017 Questions from Canada to U.Ruhuna

Hi Subath:  You must have successfully got your meteor cam to work on Android and Raspberry Pi? Is this system completely your own design with locally sourced parts? Did you collaborate with Sandia?

Yikes, 70 deg C is bad for component failure, and for increased thermal noise in the camera sensor.

The Sandia cameras have a small 12 volt computer fan and resistor heater, controlled by a thermostat.  This stops condensation inside the transparent dome.  The PVC pipe is white, which reflects some heat.  But our problem here is quite the opposite with cold weather and snow--my camera power supply failed when it went to minus 35 one winter day.   Although today it was plus 35 deg.

You'd have to put reflective foil insulation around your unit and a vented cooling fan.  Perhaps a Peltier effect cooler heat pump (which takes ten amps or more at 12 volts).  These are available for CPU heat sinks; and even found in small portable refrigerators for cooling drinks (I salvaged a couple for student demos).  There are two heat sinks: one cold and one gets hot.  Heat is pumped by "an electron gas" to the finned aluminium heat sink on the opposite side of the unit across many parallel PN junctions.

 The cold heat sink will have water condensation, which will have to drain.

 Weather stations have Lewis covers (like venetian blinds) over the temperature sensor, to keep it shaded, but with good air ventilation.  But your camera would still have to peek out.

I think Jeff was experimenting with a clock drive which moved a metal shade across his camera during the day.
