A major meteor fireball was recorded from my backyard observatory known as EMO Courtenay which is part of the Sky Sentinel LLC network run by the Florida Institute of Technology. Previously this was part of the Sandia National Labs fireball network that tracked bright flashes in our upper atmosphere for the Department of Defence in the U.S.A. My station is: goskysentinel.com/node/node53
This fireball was recorded at 11:02 p.m. on the 2nd October 2018 or UTC 10/03/2018 – 06.02.16 which is Coordinated Universal Time. We are looking for information by observers of this event, especially possible recordings by security cameras before the video tapes are over written. This is so we can calculate a possible drop zone for a meteorite that may have survived to land on the ground. Attached is a photo of the fireball recorded with my All-sky Camera. North is at the top with East on the Left! Please forward to radio stations on the Island.
Ed Majden
EMO Observatory
Courtenay, B.C. CANADA V9N-5R8