Object 2015 VO105

> Object 2015 VO105 is of interest to NASA.  Any and all information on

> this target would be most appreciated.


COD 568

CON D. J. Tholen

OBS Y. Ramanjooloo, D. Hung

MEA D. J. Tholen

TEL 2.24-m University of Hawaii reflector NET PPMXL ACK 2015 VO105


     K15VA5O  C2015 11 17.23158323 38 55.363+13 34 14.08         19.3 R      568

     K15VA5O  C2015 11 17.23227823 38 55.804+13 34 12.10         19.3 R      568


2015 VO105

Epoch 2016 Jan 13.0 TT = JDT 2457400.5                  Tholen

M 124.69083              (2000.0)            P               Q

n   0.92262164     Peri.   84.14714     +0.82467835     +0.56135157

a   1.0450096      Node   241.68431     -0.54505393     +0.75606295

e   0.1214306      Incl.    4.50906     -0.15106895     +0.33653116

P   1.07           H   24.0           G   0.15

Residuals in seconds of arc

151112 G45  0.25+  0.21+  151113 926  0.10+  0.04+  151114 H01  0.18+  0.40-

151112 G45  0.01+  0.09+  151113 926  0.09+  0.15+  151114 H01  0.26+  0.32-

151112 G45  0.14-  0.45-  151113 C77 (0.50+  0.80-) 151114 291  0.31-  0.24+

151112 G45  0.13+  0.27+  151113 C77 (0.65+  1.48-) 151114 291  0.32-  0.19+

151112 G45  0.24+  0.11+  151113 C77  0.41+  0.33-  151114 H01  0.20+  0.37-

151113 291  0.51-  0.27+  151114 926  0.25+  0.38-  151114 291  0.34-  0.13+

151113 291  0.12-  0.23+  151114 926  0.23-  0.17-  151117 568  0.01+  0.01+

151113 291  0.40-  0.26+  151114 926  0.05+  0.21-  151117 568  0.01-  0.01-


151113 926  0.19-  0.22+  151114 H01  0.33+  0.31-


Paul Abell paul.a.abell@nasa.gov

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