2009 09 24 Kelowna-Yarrow Fireball

Composite of bolide

On the morning of the 24th of September I (Jeff) reported the following event to the BCMN list:

It occurred on September 24, at 09:56 UT which puts it at 02:56 PDT. It was very low on my SSW horizon. It was very slow moving with several bursts.

I then wrote Alan Hildebrand, and sent on the same information and asked him if he had any reports other than mine. He said not yet. I then sent him the movie of the bolide, a composite still picture of it and a light curve of the event. It seems most of my fireballs are low on my horizon so not that spectacular looking compared to a near zenith event.



Here is the light output graph; the total amplitude is the summation of all pixels above the triggering threshold.

Light Graph of the bolide


Ken Tapping, who would have a better view of it since his camera is south of mine reported back that he could not check his camera because he is out of town. No one else in our group recorded it. The terminal burst looked like it might have had a chance to be recorded by infrasound. I inquired Kris Walker and asked it was heard on the USArray infrasound array. He replied it had not.

Alan reported the fireball to the MIAC group and noted on human visual sighting from a person in Yarrow (west of Chilliwack), B.C. The report stated:

Yarrow BC
V2R 5C5
phone_home: 604-328-2864
date: 24/09/09
time: 02:50:00 am
cloud: none
latitude: 49.04585724220807
location: Just an estimate. It appeared to have landed in this mountain range.
longitude: -122.05484390258789
duration: 3
speed: Fast
flares: White ball with a colored centre. Large stadium sized bright dome of light on impact
colour: White
train: Yes, 0.5 sec
sound: Sharp
stime: 2

Note: The data folder is in the video data download category for West Kelowna/Sandia/2009_09




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